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One-on-One Life with Jesus Coaching

Are you feeling spiritually stuck, stalled, or sluggish? We all have seasons where we are desiring more for our life and our walk with Jesus but wonder how to get there. We hear the words of Jesus about a “life that is to the full” and that God can do “immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine” and yet it still feels so far away. We all need clarity and direction in our life and we were not made to do it on our own. Greenwood is beginning a new initiative where people can meet one-on-one for seven sessions with a Life with Jesus Coach to help provide greater clarity and direction.

  • As a participant, you will go through the Life with Jesus Guide with one of our Life with Jesus Coaches as a discernment process towards following the Way of Jesus. If you have already gone through the Life with Jesus Guide, your coach will go through several of the Practices with you. For example, if you have already gone through the Life with Jesus Guide and still feel stuck in a particular area, such as worship, your coach will walk you through and help you work through a couple of the Practices such as gratitude, solitude, and praying the Lord’s prayer.
  • We will carefully assign each participant with a trained Life with Jesus Coach of the same gender based on availability and interest.
  • Participants and Life with Jesus Coaches are then encouraged to get together every other week for seven sessions. They can meet over coffee, in a home, or at a church.
  • After the seven sessions, participants and coaches can discern if they want to continue to meet.
  • If you would like more information about Life with Jesus Coaching, please join us for an informational meeting over Zoom on Monday, January 13 at 7:00 p.m. It is not required to attend this meeting to sign up for a coach.

For more information, contact Adam Long here.

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