Kingdom Generosity
All that we have, we have received from God. We bring nothing into this world, and we take nothing out of it. We choose to follow the way of Jesus and increase in generosity until it can be said, ”there is no one in need among us.” We choose to be faithful stewards of all our resources: relationships, time, possessions, and money. We choose to be generous because our Father is generous, and as His daughters and sons, we want to show the world what He is like.
We take seriously our role as stewards of your gifts and do our very best to use them with great care, wisdom, and prayer. Our Finance Committee and Session (Board of Elders) provide oversight of the church’s finances. In addition, we participate in audits conducted by Taylor, Roth and Company. And finally, all giving records and receipts are kept confidential. If you ever have questions about your giving to Greenwood, please contact us. Greenwood Community Church is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation.
Meet the Team

Director of Operations
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