The Life with Jesus Guide
Discerning Your Next Step
We see that Jesus arranged his life around three rhythms: worship, community, and mission. Before Covid we created a resource titled “The Invitations of Jesus “in which we explored a series of invitations in each of these rhythms. We still value this resource as a helpful tool.
We also started building a digital, online library of a variety of practices that we see in the life of Jesus. We believe these practices are valuable for taking small steps into living the way of Jesus and experiencing his life.
But we also realized that there was confusion around the relationship between the rhythms and the practices, and people often felt unsure about what their next step might be in their life with Jesus. We set ourselves to trying to clear up this confusion.
After much processing, we have identified six core discipleship commitments that we aspire to in our journey as a disciple of Jesus. These core commitments give clarity to the rhythms and are supported by the practices. We developed a resource to help you discern your next step with these commitments and practices called, “The Life with Jesus Guide: Discerning Your Next Step.”
The Life with Jesus Guide
The “Life with Jesus Guide: Discerning Your Next Step” can be used in your small group or with another friend in the church. It has devotions, reflection questions, and group questions. We are desiring that this guide will serve our church as a clear expression of our understanding of what it means to live as a disciple of Jesus together.
This guide is not offered to be a heavy burden on you of “one more thing to do.” Rather, we desire it to be a discernment tool that frees you to say no to a variety of choices you have here, and yes to the “next step” Jesus in calling you into with himself. We offer this Life with Jesus Guide as a resource into the “unforced rhythms of grace” that are the easy yoke of living with Jesus
The Invitations of Jesus
Have you ever wondered if there is more to life? Does your heart ever ache for more than seems offered in a culture obsessed with self? Could there be more meaning, more joy, more love, more peace, more kindness, more healing, more hope? We believe there is more. We believe there is so much more to life because Jesus offers us more – a quality of life beyond the ordinary. The very best life there is – the life God created us to live. Jesus offers us LIFE with Him in God’s beautiful Kingdom (John 10:10). We desire for you to experience LIFE with Jesus, because there’s more!
The Practices
A Deeper Dive with Jesus
If you are looking to explore living with Jesus more fully, we have more than 20 resources for diving in to various areas of your walk. These are organized into three categories: Live with Jesus in Worship, Live with Jesus in Community, and Live with Jesus on Mission.